Thursday, June 13, 2013

Why Book With Me....Dothan, AL Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Toddler, Child Photographer

So, after full consideration, I state why not to book with others all the time, but really haven't went into, why to book with me.

So, lets start off, "about me".  I have it listed, but it is just things really on the pro side, not on the personal side.  So, here are some things about me!
-Charlotte Dawn King
-24 years of age
-married to Steven King
-2 children (almost 3 Aiden, and almost 2 Sophia), plus one on the way!
-Music lover, probably could go on the Singing Bee and kill it!  I know any genre of music, I just love it all!
-Crunchy.  We are organic, cloth diapering, and homemade hippies <3
-I can't cook to save my life, but can make one heck of a homemade mac n' cheese dish!
-Why yes, I do burn sweat tea hehe <3
-My husband should be a chief by now!
-I monogram everything.
-I love antique shabby chic things.
-chevron print is my fav
-Pinterest junkie, even though, I will more than likely never make or cook anything that I pin.
-Fell in love with Instagram recently!
-I am not a fan of pink for girls, I prefer purple for my girls!
-Gerber Daisy is my favorite flower.
-I love Netflix!
-I love board games, and seem to win each time, I think I have the luck of the Charlotte <3
-I tend to space out from time to time on the hour!
-I love fashion, but feel like it's going a little too, non classy, that is the nice way to say it right?!?
-I visited Disney for the first time in 2011, I felt like I was 5, but I was pregnant so I didn't get the full taste of it!
-I have been in the Army Reserve for 7 years and 3 months now.  My contract officially ends next April.  Yes, I can't wait!
-I served in Iraq 2008-2009, it really gave me a grasp on my life.
-My husband and I just and are still celebrating our anniversary 6/12.
-I drive a mini van!  Yup, don't know it till you try it!
-I love the movies, the whole experience.
-I use to think I liked the beach, but the more that water goes in my eye, the more I want to kick it, but hey, I'm not getting anywhere with that one!
-I am very outgoing, and I love to laugh!  I am a complete mess, I am not so great at proper grammar, or spelling, but over the past year, I've been working that out!
-I love to eat, odd how someone who can't cook, loves to eat huh?!?
-Pickles are the way to my heart!
-My kids were named from watching too much TV.  Aiden came from Sex and the City, and Sophia from Golden Girls.
-I have personally met Woody Harrelson, and Ben Foster.  Before my tour in Iraq, they came to Fort Dix, NJ to film their movie, "The Messenger", yeah I was an extra!  How awesome was that!!  I even have a nifty certificate that the actors awarded us soldiers for partaking in it.  The scene where they are sitting in the cafeteria eating, yeah I'm in that scene!
-I have been to several countries, Iraq, Germany, Czech Republic, Ireland, Switzerland, and France.
-My dream is to own a huge country style white house, blue shutters, and a red door.  I would love a wrap around porch, so I could raise my kids, and watch my grandkids grow in this home.  It is actually a goal of mine, that may or may not happen, but would be awesome!
-I am the worlds worst hair stylist and make up artist, I mean, have you seen me lately LOL!

Okay, so some business info!
-I started Charlotte King Photography, with the main focus, of doing this for my children.
-I started getting questions to book, so I started, instantly was hooked.
-I use to shoot anything under the son (so glad I have a specialty now).
-I personally rather get hit by a train then shoot another wedding (no offence, just not my thing!)
-I have fallen in love with newborn photography since 2012.
-I am a professional photographer.
-I am a member of the PPA (Professional Photographers of America)
-May 1, 2013 I opened up my store front studio.
-Use to work out of my garage (so glad those days are well over with!)
-If there was such thing as  Propaholics Anonymous, I should probably attend!
-I have a style of my own.
-I'm a germophobe, so you will see me use hand sanitizer frequent (especially with a newborn).
-My business is legit.  I have my license for City, County, and State.
-I pay taxes, like a normal, hardworking citizen.
-I specialize in bellies to toddlers.

So, if I had to "narrow" the reasons why to book with me, I guess this is what I would say!  My name is Charlotte, I'm human, I'm a mother, and a lover of Christ.  I understand the importance of images, it is something that will last a life time.  I'm a regretter as well.  I never had a wedding photographer, nor a newborn photographer for my firstborn.  I have nothing to hang on my walls of those special events that happened in our life.  After years have gone by, my education on the importance of quality images are my post prized possession that I own.  I am a professional, a hardworking small business owner in today's economy.  I take pride in what I do, and will do what I have to, to ensure a happy and pleased customer. I put the safety of your child first, rather than the beings of myself.  I don't get inpatient, I am very kind and gentle.  I give you quality, not quantity.  I am the best prices professional photographer in my area. I would love to have you not only as a client, but as a great connection.  I love running into my clients!  Especially when you can spark those conversations, and your kids are diving into my arms because they see Mrs. Charlotte :)  Plus, I believe I am the only one crazy enough to speak baby language, yeah, forgot to mention that ^ up there, I am fluent in baby gibberish LOL!  

Before I close this out, I would like to share an amazing compliment from a recent client after they saw a sneak peek of their images on my blog,
"Oh my gosh.. My husband and I just cried!
And we don't do that!
You are amazing."
I can brag about that, right?!?!  That really made my night!  I love when I hear sweet things like that from clients, I really feel that I am doing things right!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Andi and Ayla {One Year Smash Session, Dothan, AL Photographer}

So, after reschedule due to sickness, doctor appointments, out of town trips, and you name it, I was finally able to get these two bubbly one year old twins in!  Their mama had found me through Dothan Mom's Meet Up Group (great group for all you mama's in the Wiregrass that would LOVE to find other mama's and playdates for your kiddos)!!

I was so excited, I only shot one set of twins before and they were newborns, so I really didn't know what to expect!  Here they came in, being wheeled by their beautiful mama in their little wagon!  We got Andi out and started once I was completely set up!  Andi was so friendly, and she smiled, oh did she smile!!
This is just a preview of course!!

Then we would switch out and it was Ayla's turn!  She was smiley as well!  Both super happy babies!  Ayla did want to go go go, so we had to be on our toes, I think mama and I were sweating by the end of the session, not to discount that my air conditioner needs to be fixed with this hot summer ahead!

Both girls had the most stunning blue eyes, and energy oh my!  I think all of my babies that come to me have beautiful blue eyes, and a few with beautiful brown eyes!!  I love how they sparkle, and they just light up little one's personality!  These two were completely full of personality!!  I love how mama brought different outfits as well, that they weren't matched to the t!

Then it was time for smash cake!  I always wait to save that for the end of the show :)  I picked up two jumbo cupcakes from Publix, flavor Strawberry, and I did get a taste of that icing and YUMMO!!  Publix has made my past few smash cakes, and they are beautiful each time!!  These girls sure did love them some cake :)

I know mom will be excited to know that her gallery is ready to be listed!!  Who wouldn't?!?!

In the future I would love to photograph more multiples!  I guess that is one goal to work on!  Enjoy!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

SALE Dothan, Alabama Bellies, Newborn, Babies, Toddlers, and Children Photographer

I'm having a two week mania blow out session fee sale!!  Right now, purchase ANY session for only $25!!  Thats right!  ONLY $25 :)  Maternity, newborn, milestones, toddlers, and children!!  Requirements?!?!  Just pay in full, book your session (or save for another date).  It will be treated like a gift certificate, you have a year from purchase date to use!  I will send you the contract and model release to be signed, and get you on the books!

Whats in the contract?
My contract is something that just simply says, you understand my policies.  My policies are that you must meet $100 purchase requirement, you have a 5 day proof gallery which must be purchased from before expiring, or you are entitled to a $50 re list fee, you understand that I may post 1-3 sneak peeks WITH a model release signature, and my editing time is up to two weeks.  Easy peasey :)  Payment plans are available for those with a purchase of more than $150, half is due when ordering, and the other can be arranged on a payment plan for you to pay.  Once payment plan is complete, I'll place your order!!

This is for a limited time only!  Hurry while offer stands!  I'll close this at any time, so don't hesitate!