Monday, July 7, 2014

When and Why to Book CKP For Your Photography Needs {Dothan Alabama baby photographer}

I would like to take a minute out to tell you how excited I am to work with you and why we are a fit for each other!  

First off, lets go over the why to book CKP for your photography needs.  Yes there are a million photographers out there, all pricing is different.  I say I am in the "happy medium" for most budgets.  While we do charge for our knowledge and expertise, I am a professional photographer, not an amateur, so you are for sure going to walk away 100% satisfied!  Our new session pricing is better than amazing!  You can visit to learn more about it in our investment tab!  We offer several different options to fit your budget!

I will put the safety of the CLIENT before I will a shot.  I have been apart of some horrible Pinterest liking and watching the comments and am completely appalled.  I will never put your baby in a glass jar, nor will they be in anything that is uncomfortable for them.  I treat your baby just like I do my own, with patience and care!  I have a wonderful assistant (Robyn) who is there to help me achieve these beautiful images without risking any safety issues.  We are always with baby, and if we can't be both with baby then we recruit Mom, Dad, or even Gigi!  My assistant's hands are 95% on baby all the time to ensure she is right there!  

I specialize in my area of photography.  I do not do weddings, engagement, or even seniors, so when I say I specialize, I specialize!  Today I see a few people who make the mistake of saying they specialize but you can't specialize in everything, my specialty is bellies to toddlers, but I do shoot children and family sessions.  I'm not an expert in them, I am good at them, but I just specialize with bellies to toddlers.

I take my time to ensure you get the beautiful quality you deserve.  After all, that is why you booked me right?  To put your trust in me to make sure we are giving you the quality and great experience! 

I am a working at home small business.  Did I lose you there?  Let me explain.  These days I hear about how we should support our local WAHM and yes that may be true, but lets make sure first they are doing things correctly.  I don't make a million dollars, which would be fantastic, but most of my earnings go to pay taxes to the city, county, and state.  Next I help hubs pay bills, then take care of my kids, and any extra goes right back into the business.  My small business thrives on the economy.  

I love babies.  Pure and simple, I love to get those sweet baby snuggles and I try to resist to kiss those  sweet cheeks because I know I don't want anyone puckering up on my little ones haha!  I love everything about a baby, especially baby laughter!  It is the best kind of medicine!  (You never know one day I might quiz you on this ;) )

I have a studio!  Why I will say having a studio is *not* that important, however it is a plus!  I started working inside my home, to a garage, to a studio, back to a garage, to a downtown spot, to a beautiful building on our property!  I have top notch equipment and tons of props in there!  It never gets boring, and we do outside stuff as well!  I offer mama gowns, and tons of backgrounds.  I had one complaint about backgrounds, but in fact at my last location I couldn't fit all my good stuff in it, so you didn't get to see what all I have to offer.  Here it is very spacious (600 sq ft), and insulated and cooling!  While I am still trying to finish out the floors and the walls, we have had nothing but compliments.  

I have amazing sales (that shouldn't win you over, quality should, but hey its a nice topping right!)!

I am a professional.  I have studied night and day on how to prefect my skill, and am constantly learning.  While I like to think I'm pretty amazing, I'm still blowing myself away with my growth!  With me, I will tell you what will work.  Shooting in mid day no shade at 11:00-4:00 will absolutely not work.  I won't give you sun spots, fake eyes, no color pop, or any of those lovely amateur fads.  I remove all blemishes once your order is placed, and will always fix anything (if I do tend to make a hiccup).  You are paying for quality not just to have something! 

I understand the importance of priorities.  I rather have someone tell me the true reason to their purchase being delayed instead of ignoring me, insulting me, and making me feel like I am pestering someone.  I have a family as well, and understand that things do happen and we can't help them.  So I just ask for 100% honestly.  Isn't that what you would want from me?

I am a sanitizer freak!  I mean, not to say we are germy, but having three kids myself, I have grown a profound love for hand sanitizer.  

Robyn...need I say more?!  I can't express the gratitude enough I have for my wonderful assistant!  She couldn't have came at an even better time, and she has the same passion about our business as I do!  

When do you book?  I would say after your first doctors visit!  You've confirmed that baby now its time to get you on the books!  Myths have it to wait till baby is here to book.  I can't tell you how many times I heard that at the most recent baby event I just did.  We had a fantastic sale going on, and so many women said "Well we will have to call you when he/she is here."  I'm over here is the better time!  All we simply need is your EDD.  That way we can make sure not to over book the week before or the week after.  And if baby comes way earlier than that or way late, hey we got you!  No worries, one thing taken care of!

It is never to late to get in the baby plan either!  It is very discounted as it is, so it is always a great deal!

AND a few funnies I pulled off of Pinterest!  We can have humor too in this line of business ;) 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Hudson Newborn Session {Dothan Alabama Newborn Photographer}

Gorgeous Hudson came in about two weeks ago and stole me with his beautiful ways!!  Oh he was a dream baby for sure with the most gorgeous lashes, beautiful hair/skin, and just perfect!!  Totally made my ovaries hurt for a boy (which BTW we are DONE baking kids), but I get to get my loving through babies like him!  We did some absolute great set ups, he had the best support team, and I was just so glad to be apart of this journey and to watch him grow over the next year!  It was super hard to narrow down my favs from his session, so enjoy all this gorgeousness!


This was my biggest blog share besides my own children because...I told y'all he was seriously beautiful boy!  And I didn't share one from each set up, so this is just a glance of a session with Robyn and I!  Mad props to the composite image, Robyn shot that while I supported Hudson (the Mickey Ears image).  I hope you enjoyed him, I know I got some good baby snuggles and look forward to his 3 month!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ragen Newborn Session {Dothan Alabama Newborn Photographer}

Sweet Ragen was a doll!  She was full of facial expressions and those lovely milk bubbles!  Such a doll baby!  I hope you enjoy her as much as I did!!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Ella Kate Newborn {Dothan Alabama Newborn Photographer}

 Well....I guess better late than never!  I of course after I took these images picked a few for our walls immediately, I guess I'm the type that can choose over 5 images instead of a million.  I still culled through this even editing out one of each pose!  I created a little "Accordion Mini" book with these images before Babypalooza, so I'm just going to put these, along with my other favs from her milestone into our big custom album book I'm going to do at the end of the year!

I can't believe this sweet fun loving mini me turned 9 months today!  I was going to take her down to the studio for a quick 9 month shot, but the toddlers wore me out with taking images for their birthday invites!  

My sweet little 6 pound 14 ounce baby is now 18 pounds even!  She is so full of love, she requires just a little more love than the average baby, and sometime while that may be aggravating, I'm missing her like crazy right now while she sleeps and I look forward to our midnight nursing cuddles.  

Enjoy some of my favorites from her newborn session that I took!