A few more changes. Purchase minimums are still at $100, and this is AFTER any discounts and ect. For now on in your proof gallery cart, I will set a minimum, so when you checkout you must meet it. I had signed contracts, but had people still not making the minimum. If minimums are not met, I can't pay my overhead, meaning, I have to come out of my husbands pockets and pay it, and that isn't how you run a successful business, after all Walmart and Sears closed down.
Let me explain the proof gallery. It seems some have misunderstood how it works. It is 5 days. In that 5 days you must view and ORDER. I can't take it down and relist it for payday. The reason I give you the choice to list it is because you know when you will be able to get paid to place your order. I shoot X amount of sessions each month, and my site only allows me to host X amount of images, and I have to pay for those X amount of images, and I'm starting to go over that amount, and I need to set a structure.
Ordering from your cart is very simple. I know mobile users have a hard time with it, but desktop/laptop users don't. I advise you to order from your cart please! I don't have employees, and it really takes a load off my shoulder, however, I will still take emailed orders if that is what is easy for you. However, I will no longer take emailed orders without Payment. It seems to be getting worse that some will email their order before it expires, and never make a payment. Now, I don't even place an order until it is completely paid for, but that will no longer cut it. If you can't pay before you gallery expires, you will have to pay the $50 relist fee like all of my other clients. Also, when you send an email order, please leave your payment info, if paying by debit/credit, leave that info, or if PayPal, please leave your email. Now, if your gallery expires on a Wednesday, but you don't get paid till Friday, send your order VIA email, with payment attached and I'll run Friday afternoon.
Updated Policies:
Sneak Peek Policy:
Beginning 7/14/2013, I will no longer post a sneak peek
until a purchase has been made. I LOVE
posting my sneak peeks, but I feel that for my business, it would be better ran
to be a “surprise” when you see your gallery, then once an order is placed, to
simply choose a few of your favorites and upload that way!
Discount Policy:
Beginning 7/14/2013, I will no longer combine
discounts. I currently offer 15% off for
Military, Firefighter, EMS, Police, Dothan Mom’s Meet Up Group and AFS
Ordering Policy:
Your 5 day proof gallery is for you to order from. If you can’t order from it, then there will
be a $50 re-list fee. If you don’t order
from it the first time, any promised discounts will be done away with as well.
Payment Plan Policy:
Affective 7/14/2013, if you decide to go with a payment plan
then you must put down HALF of your order when you place your order. The rest can be divided up into payments, but
must be paid a month after your session.
Please email me or call if you need a little more time.
Referral Reward Policy:
For every client you refer, you and the new client will
receive a $25.00 print credit, or a high resolution downloadable file. Refer up to 5 people, and your next session
will be free.
I have NO Saturday's open for this month. I am completely booked solid for my one Saturday a month, however August is filling up, so if you need a Saturday, claim that one! My one Saturday a month in September will be September 7th.
I am really excited about this new pricing system I have! If you would like an updated print price list and digital (I was able to group the digitals into smaller options, and lower the individuals a tad bit), please comment with your email!
Now this pricing system will take place in the next day or two, I will have to shut down my proofing gallery while I get things together, and then update my blog and ect. Loads of office work!
Now this pricing system will take place in the next day or two, I will have to shut down my proofing gallery while I get things together, and then update my blog and ect. Loads of office work!
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