Thursday, May 23, 2013

"Why I Will Go With A Pro Newborn Photographer" Charlotte King Photography {Bellies to toddlers} Dothan, Alabama Newborn Photographer

So, a few days ago, I nicely asked to have those who didn't go to a newborn photographer, or even a professional photographer, to simply send in an anonymous email with their experience, and well, I at first didn't expect anyone to really answer to my request, but I was surprised I had a few emails in my inbox with their story.

First off, let me go with my story.  Also let me state, this is NOT to bash any local photographer, I have no names to who sent me emails, nor did I want to know who the photographer was, this is to simply educate clients, and even photographers.

When I was pregnant with my first child, I had no clue on the importance of images.  I didn't know the beautiful of newborn photography.  So, on day two at the hospital, a "Photographer" came by my room, and said she would be back at X time to take his newborn pictures.  I thought well great, that is awesome.  This is what I got:

Why I love that I have "something", I'm very disappointed that I never knew about newborn photography.  I would have paid to have the best images, because now, almost 3 years later, I look back and think that I don't have nothing.  I have snapshots, but nothing that I could honestly hang on my wall.  His 3 month session I took him to Olan Mills, and only because they stopped me in the Mall, and offered me this amazing deal, then I ended up spending way more than that deal.  They are way better than his newborn images, but not the quality I would have got if I went to a professional photographer.

When he turned 1, I took him to an amazing photographer around Dothan.  While they were one of the most expensive photographers, I can honestly say, that was the best money I ever spent.

I of course had been dabbling into photography at that point, but I couldn't let that milestone pass me by with just being satisfied with doing them on my own.  I'm happy with the choice I made.

With my second I took her images, they are on my old computer, so I can't share them on here!

Now, a few years down the road, I am producing breathtaking newborn images.  I feel bad for not having anything of him, professionally, and I tell you, that will eat at you if you do it for the rest.  My 3rd will be spoiled because mommy is great at her job now, and she will take over my walls!

Onto my next unknown person.  (the gender will be X out)

 I was offered free newborn pics from a local photographer... worst move ever!  Well X wanted to charge 100, but I asked to see samples from other shoots and X said X had never done them... I should have known then! So X offered to do it free and since X doesn't have a studio X came to my house and asked where my props were!!! So I gathered what I could find and just as we start X like by the way I hate doing newborns because you can't get them to do what you want. Then had no idea what X was doing idea wise. I had to help X with ideas! After an hour of him crying and X complaining I finally told her whatever X had would be fine.

I didn't with my first and regretted it. Still do. I made sure I got my second child's pics done. 
Pictures are important to me. Very very important. I have tons of framed pictures in my house as well as scrap booked too. As much as I love cloth diaper I wouldn't trade them for pictures. I feel like they're only this big once, pictures and memories are all you've got.

While so many have reasons behind not getting newborn images, I have done some research this week as far as reading baby forums and such.  I was very surprised to how many said, "We bought me a fancy camera so I could just do them, or Hospital does great, or Walmart, Sears, and Olan Mills are just the same as a pro.

Let me state, you may have a great DSLR, do you know how to shoot in manual mode?  Do you know what exposure, aperture, ISO, and Shutter speed are?  Do you know how to utilize light?  Do you know that the lens that came with the camera isn't as great as a Prime Lens?

"I was given a free session".  Let me say, have a back up plan!  Why that Photographer just gave you a free session, it is for Portfolio building, you are not going to get quality, why there may be some amazing images, you don't want to take a chance on looking back when your baby is turning 3 thinking about what you should have done.

Walmart, Sears and Olan Mills.
Oh boy, i had to make that a heading!  Let me break it down.  Walmart and Sears are all shut down.  Olan Mills is heading that direction.  They shut down because they were a cheesy business, who gave you a 15 minute time slot, and ruined images with craptastic editing.  I mean, I'm not one for color pop or vignetting.  If you do, that is fine, and that is your style, but I for one feel that it is a bit tacky and unprofessional.  That is MY opinion.  Also, I'm not sure how I would feel if I paid for a Baby Plan, and every 3 months, they had someone new, because they hire just anyone that came in, not actual photographers.  Also, who needs 18 8x10s with the SAME pose!!  I have to say, at least with my packages you do choose different poses, and of course, I'm not going anywhere, so we build a connection, and love to chit chat with you!

Red flags when booking a photographer:
"I specialize in weddings, engagement  children, babies, newborns, maternity, seniors, and events".  Let me break that down, that is simply not a specialty.  A specialty is to specialize in a certain category.  Such as I, I specialize in "Bellies to toddlers".  An "all" photographer should simply say, "I do all photography".  You will see new photographers starting out that will post everything under the sun, because they haven't found their spot, but please remove "specialize" from your about me section.  

Oh my favorite, "I'm cheap, got a good camera, and I travel".  Lets break that down into, "I don't know what I'm doing, I bought a camera I have no clue how to use, and I have no studio."  Once again, not knocking down on location photographers, I use to do that as well, but be aware of how you word yourself.

"I'm a natural light photographer".  That is great!  But check out their portfolio, make sure they don't have sun spots, or blown out images.  I love photographers who use natural light, but many don't know how to use it.  I can honestly say, I am not great with natural light.  I can use it, but I prefer not to.  I like my storbes too much!  Paul C Buff has spoiled this girl with her hot pink Alien Bees!

Just read the about me section and look at portfolio.  Check the website, your website should shine!  I know mine needs some polishing :)

Now the breakdown on my part to my Professionals may seem a little mad towards amateurs.  This is once again from MY point of view.

Personally, I spent the time out of my day to get the correct business license I need, plus I pay sales tax.  I get mad when I see those doing the incorrect and ILLEGAL things, but I'm not one to turn you in, but I will say, there are others that are watching, and just go ahead and get right.  Houston County/Alabama license was less than $7.00, Dothan City was $110, tax registration was free, you just have to pay them from your sales each month INCLUDING session fees.  

My equipment wasn't cheap, nor my camera.  I don't have a basic entry level DSLR, I use a great set of strobes, I provide props for my clients, I now have a studio.  I've done everything I could think of to start out.  My first year, I started with what I had, then started investing in my business.  If this is what you want, invest in it.  Have the right gear.  

I honestly hate when someone ask for a beanbag for newborns, and I see, "Go to Walmart, they are $15 and great".  Let me state, they are round, and a baby could roll off of that thing, plus it isn't big enough for multiples.  It just isn't safe, and personally, I wouldn't let someone put my baby on one.  I have a Bella Bun, I think I paid $165 for it, and it took me 6 months to save for it, but I did it!  Get the right things if this is what you want to do.  

A baby doesn't magically hang in a cocoon, it doesn't magically hold it's own head up.  That is called composites and is done in photoshop.

No, Picnik or whatever those free editing softwares are, don't match up to Elements, or even to Adobe Photoshop.  I use CS6, it is a $1200 editing software.  No, I couldn't afford to pay it up front, but Adobe allows you to do a payment plan, so I pay $19.99 a month.

I took workshops, I go to things such as Imaging USA, I do online tutorials, Youtube, and buy books and study them all of the time.  I haven't and will never have the attitude that I think I am the best and need to not learn anymore.  I am good, I can admit to that, but I am not on the level I want to be yet.  I have came a very long way from when I first started.  

Top image is the first Newborn I took images of in 2011.  The bottom is from my newborn session yesterday.  I honestly can say, if I never took any classes, I'm not sure that I would be where I am today.  I am thankful for those that believed in me, and that is what photographers need.  Someone to believe in them.  Photographers, believe in yourself.  Take a look back, and see if you can find any workshops in your area that will better you at your goal of a photographer.  

While I'm not saying, "Use me to learn from", I don't mind teaching at all, but I don't want anyone to think this was meant to advertise my newborn workshop this Saturday, and yes I still have spots, and yes I would love to teach you!

I am in fact, a very kind, and humble person.  But I do get burnt out of seeing images that put baby in harm, or me sitting here paying my taxes, while those who don't have a license or a tax id advertise their new business adventure.  Please, if you have any questions on how to get your business running properly, I am here to help.  If it is further more questions, please set up a time for a one on one mentoring session.  

What I want for my readers to get out of this, for clients, go Pro.  Don't second guess yourself.  I pride myself on being the best prices professional photographer in my limits, hosting sales and discounts galore.  Speaking of, keep a look out on my Memorial Day weekend sale that will start this afternoon!!!  

Photographers, think a great business strategy, and re word your about me section so you want confuse your future clients.  Make it inciting  and true.  Write a list down of what you like about your style, and what you need to improve on, then act on it!  Become great, become a walking memory!  I can walk in Botanical Gardens, and I can remember every single session, and the moment it happened.  When you get a great client, they are with you for life, you are connected, and in a sense, you become family!


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