Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Prepping for 2013

As many of you know that I am currently on "vacation" with my family, and will not be returning to the studio until January 3rd.  We had a very Merry Christmas (as I hope all of you did as well), and now we have a very Merry sick little boy.  As much as  I would love to "fully" be on vacation, there is much work to do to prep for 2013, and this has been calculated in my time off.

As many of you know, that President Obama has made some changes for small business owners, now I have no clue, and still need to do my research on what all changes are to come, but I will take it in, and be prepared none the less, to do as the law states for my business.

My vision for 2013 is quite simple.  I want to have an amazing year, with getting my baby plan out there.  I will no longer be taking on any of the following sessions:
Events (unless charity)

My main focus is for my "Bellies To Toddlers".  I really want to eventually (in the next few years), become Dothan's Newborn Photographer.  With lots of prayer, education, and practice, I should accomplish my goal.  

This year (2012), has been such a huge success by my fan base and clients!  You have honestly done me proud.  I work solely on word of mouth, and I have had several people refer others.  My referral program is the bomb!  You and the person referred, will receive a $25.00 print credit.  You must only give one name, per referral, not your whole friend basis that comes to me!  This year, I plan on doing BabyPalooza if they ever email me back, and attending several events where I can set up my booth.  

My work days as well are changing.  I am in the mist of figuring out how to go about doing what is best for my children.  I was working on Thursday, Friday, and Saturdays, but in 2013 that will all change.  January will come by very few weekday sessions, and few Saturdays because I have a conference I am attending, then February, I will have a Workshop that Angela Crowe Photography will be putting on, that I will be attending as well.  I plan on getting as much education this year as I can cram in.  So, in nice words, if you are expecting, don't hesitate, and wait to late to book.  

2013 will come with a new price list as well.  I am still getting it together, taking in how much I have to make to pay my bills, and to make up for this Small Business changes.  I also will have a savings so I can eventually go store front mid 2013, early 2014.  That is solely a GOAL, and if I accomplish it, than it will be amazing, but if not, then I will continue to keep on saving until done so!  I have several emails that I will email my price list out to. 

If you would like to mentor with me or assist me any this year, please email me with your website/portfolio.  I am really needing an assistant, but I am not far enough in my business where I can pay someone, but would be willing to educate you, and teach you.  I have learned, it is so much easier with two sets of hands than one.

I will also be taking more family time.  This year, I completely set aside my family, and took on every session that came my way, and 2013, I will not do so.  That is why I am starting out very strong with my specialty.  For engagements, couples, and weddings, please use Angela Crowe Photography.  All others, I recommend going with Amanda Smith of LBD Studios.

I have not been strict on much of anything this year.  And including my deposits, which I started last April.  This year, I will have a signed contract with a deposit for EVERY type of session.  I will not leave a single sentence out.  

Here is a sneak peek for what is to come!
 Easter sessions, are always so fun, and super cute and sweet!  This year will be a bit different, and I plan on not only having a live bunny, but some cute little chicks!  These will book VERY fast, and that is why I will start promoting these as soon as I return, but here is a good chance for you to think on it, and to be ready to make the deposit.

Another new addition, is my three levels of baby plans to choose from!  Option A is pretty sweet deal!  So how does this all work you may be wondering?  Well simple, you supply your email or address, and I will email/mail your contract for you to look over and sign (or type).  Once you have done so, you will provide me with your debit card/credit card number, expiration date, CVV code, and zip code for the billing address.  You will be charged your deposit which is always half of the session fee.  If you do pay in full, you will receive a 15% off discount on your total print/product order.  

When I first started out, I was a "natural light, on location photographer", now two years later, I do more "studio sessions with artificial lighting", that with natural light.  So with me stating that, a travel fee will go into place.  If I am not going to a certain location that day ie: Botanical Gardens, Landmark Park, or anything that is 10 miles away from me, you will be charged .55 cent a mile (before the session, travel fee must be paid), of a travel fee. 

My session fees are not changing, but please take not that my session fee, it is much more than a "click".  After I spend an hour with you taking your pictures, then come home, upload them into my computer, cull edit, then clean edit or artistic edit, I've spent about 6 hours, so a total of 7 hours.  Now divide $50 by 7 hours.  You get $7.14.  That is barely under minimum wage, so I do feel like my prices are very reasonable.

So, what am I looking for in you this New Year?  I seriously want some feedback.  If you had a wonderful experience, not such a great experience, I want to hear it!  I want to take it and learn from it, to improve if I didn't meet your expectations and so forth!  

Also, Facebook sneak peeks are a privileged   I do not have to post them, and when I do post them, that is if I have time to.  Watermarking, web sizing, that all takes time from me editing your session.  I will however get better at posting them, but be patient with me.  All images are watermarked, and are the Copyright of my work.  So, please do not save or download them to your computer.  

I've had a lot of people do sessions with me and not purchase from your session.  So, I have thought and thought how to go about this.  Your session, after I edit it, upload it to your proof gallery, you have two weeks to choose what images you would like to order.  That is a very reasonable amount of time.  So, if you do not order within those first two weeks, your gallery expires.  There is a $50.00 relist fee beginning Jan. 2013.  Your images will be stored and saved on my computer for 90 days AFTER the first initial gallery post.  After those 90 days (two weeks before the 90 days are up), you will be notified via phone, and email that you have two weeks to purchase from your session.  If not done so, your images will be DELETED.  I have to make room for others.  Also, if you do not order from your session before your gallery expires, all Facebook sneak peeks will be deleted and removed from Facebook.  

Those are just a few new things to come business wise, once I get my price list together, I will go over that with you as well.

Now as I return back to my lovely family, I will continue to update you guys through blogs on upcoming changes.  Please keep in mind, I am not shooting, editing, or placing orders still at this time.  

Thank you so much, and have a blessed evening!

Charlotte King/Owner/Photographer.


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