Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ella Kate {Birth Story} Charlotte King Photography, Dothan Alabama Newborn Photographer

Ella Kate was a planned induction for September 23rd.  My body had been preparing on it's own, I had lost my mucus plug, dilated 3 1/2 cm and effaced 80% when I went in that Monday morning at 5:00!  {Whew SUPER early!!!}  Our other kiddos stayed with their Nonna (my MIL), and the grandparents were rotating days for our hospital stay!

They started me on the Pitocin at 6:00 that morning.  My birth plan included NO epidural, and I had my husband, essential oils, and Christian music going to help sooth contractions!  At 7:00 or a little after, I experienced the worst pain in my life other than contractions, Dr. Gilchrist came in and broke my water!  Thought I was about to DIE!!  Contractions started coming, and going, getting stronger, every time I would get use to one set of contractions, a new set of stronger ones would come in!  I was blessed with an amazing nurse!  She was there for my first, second, and third child!  How amazing is that!  I simply LOVE Flower's Hospital!!!

I had my ear plugs in, concentrating on the lyrics through Christ I can do this!!  I was setting the mood, getting my faith on, and hubby was snoring in the chair.  Every time I would get use to a set of contractions the nurse would come and up it 2 more, they kept getting closer, and stronger.  I started breathing, turning, then the internal monitor fell out, and I had to lay in one stinking position. The pain continuously got stronger.  I started breathing harder, grabbing onto the bed.  Steven finally got up and started rubbing my back and helping me breathe.   My last resort was breathing in my lavender essential oils.  I have to say, it did help a lot, and wish I had stuck to it.  I started crying, then I couldn't concentrate on my breath, this was so hard, and it hurt so bad.  I just wanted some relief.  I had an urge to push, told the nurse, she checked me, and I was only at 5 cm.  This was disappointing, because it was 11:45, and I hurt so bad.

I finally couldn't catch my breath in between contractions, and I opted for the Epidural.  Got that in, and then seemed like I progressed more!  At 12:30 I was up to 7 1/2 cm dilated, and then at 3:50, it was time to push!  I gave a few hard pushes, and Ella slid out, then they had me "hold" so Dr. G could come in, and she sucked back on in!  Then he got there, she was sliding back out, and they told me to hold her not to push, so I didn't and she just came on out on her own!  My husband said, "Charlotte, you got your red head!"  Gosh, that made me so happy!!  I joke and tell people now, "It only took me three times to get one that looks like me"!  Ella Kate King was born into this world at 4:06 pm.  She was 6 lbs 14 oz and 19 1/2 long, perfectly pink and fuzzy hair!  The loudest cry ever!!

I was so blessed to have my mom, and Dr. Gilchrist take these following photographs, if you just found out you are expecting, Dr. Gilchrist was amazing, the whole Aventa staff is just great!  

In the near future I plan to photograph more births.  I really enjoyed the experience of having mine photographed!  I wish I done this with the other two :)  Well, I attempted with my second child of me doing them myself haha!  Sometimes doing them yourself isn't the best idea when your the one in labor :)


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