Monday, June 30, 2014

Hudson Newborn Session {Dothan Alabama Newborn Photographer}

Gorgeous Hudson came in about two weeks ago and stole me with his beautiful ways!!  Oh he was a dream baby for sure with the most gorgeous lashes, beautiful hair/skin, and just perfect!!  Totally made my ovaries hurt for a boy (which BTW we are DONE baking kids), but I get to get my loving through babies like him!  We did some absolute great set ups, he had the best support team, and I was just so glad to be apart of this journey and to watch him grow over the next year!  It was super hard to narrow down my favs from his session, so enjoy all this gorgeousness!


This was my biggest blog share besides my own children because...I told y'all he was seriously beautiful boy!  And I didn't share one from each set up, so this is just a glance of a session with Robyn and I!  Mad props to the composite image, Robyn shot that while I supported Hudson (the Mickey Ears image).  I hope you enjoyed him, I know I got some good baby snuggles and look forward to his 3 month!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ragen Newborn Session {Dothan Alabama Newborn Photographer}

Sweet Ragen was a doll!  She was full of facial expressions and those lovely milk bubbles!  Such a doll baby!  I hope you enjoy her as much as I did!!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Ella Kate Newborn {Dothan Alabama Newborn Photographer}

 Well....I guess better late than never!  I of course after I took these images picked a few for our walls immediately, I guess I'm the type that can choose over 5 images instead of a million.  I still culled through this even editing out one of each pose!  I created a little "Accordion Mini" book with these images before Babypalooza, so I'm just going to put these, along with my other favs from her milestone into our big custom album book I'm going to do at the end of the year!

I can't believe this sweet fun loving mini me turned 9 months today!  I was going to take her down to the studio for a quick 9 month shot, but the toddlers wore me out with taking images for their birthday invites!  

My sweet little 6 pound 14 ounce baby is now 18 pounds even!  She is so full of love, she requires just a little more love than the average baby, and sometime while that may be aggravating, I'm missing her like crazy right now while she sleeps and I look forward to our midnight nursing cuddles.  

Enjoy some of my favorites from her newborn session that I took!  

Will 6 Month Session {Dothan Alabama Baby Photographer}

This adorable squishy foot eating slobbery boy came into the studio and won by hear!!  Oh he was adorable, and his Tula clothing was even more impressive!!  I call it Tula clothing because you "crunchy" mamas will know what a "Tula" is and understand me!!  I am going to have to be patient and wait till his 9 month session and we will have some fun then when he is sitting up really good!!  Super excited to watch him grow!!  

Now....Lets play name that Tula ;)  Check out his adorableness!  You just can't help but to smile! 

Gallery is uploading sweet boy!  Mama be on the look out for that email!!