Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Policy/Price Changes

I have made so many changes the past few years being in business, rather it is policy changes, or price changes.  I know when you hear "price changes" you tend to freak out!  No worries over here, but yes, there has been a price change.

When starting out, I had no clue what on earth I was doing, but the further I took classes, invested in myself, I've had to make changes along the way.  First off let me state a few things:

Why do you charge this and you work out of your home?
Yes, my studio is located in my home, but there are many baby photographers out there that has their studio as a home based studio!  Trust me, I'm going to do a % survey, maybe I can get people to help me out with it today, and do an update to this!

So, I had to instate a print minimum of $200 at EACH sitting.  This is my job, and although photography is my passion, I have bills just like everyone else that I like to pay!  I am starting to cut back on my sessions that I take in, so this is important to me.  I mean, the average person that comes in normally spends $150-$500 per sitting.  So, even when I run a really good sale, you still have to meet that $200 requirement.  After November 1st, when I start back working, I will ONLY take on 4 sessions a month until my baby is a bit older to be left with Daddy for a lot longer.  I exclusively BF my babies, so this time is very important to me!

Family is first in my book.  At times I have busted my butt off to better serve my customers, and my husband is so furious at it.  So, a set schedule is being in place!  Sunday-Monday will be off, off from print pick up's, off from Facebook, off from emailing, off from editing, and just OFF!  Tuesday-Friday 10:00-3:00 I will work on all of the above, but no sessions.  Saturday will be sessions only, so emails will be returned Tuesday morning!  I really have to get organized, and I think this will totally help!

Frequent questions that have or may be asked!

Charlotte, I can't reach you, why aren't you answering your phone?
Phone has been cut off with Time Warner, by the end of the day {promise} I'll have a phone number to give!  I don't like giving out my personal number, and when I add a cell phone to my business, please NO text, I do not text, that is not how you run a business.  I rather email versus text!!!  I don't mind texting to remind, or for an address, but no business stuff on text messages please!  Thanks!

I have 2012 pricing still, does that mean I have to make purchase minimum?
Yes, it does.  Even though you have 2012 pricing, it does state, "Prices are subject to change", but instead of making you go straight to 2013 prices, I'm just saying, make the minimum!

I won a contest, do I have to still make print minimum?
Why yes you do!  Even though you received a 50% off ordering promo code, or anything else, make sure you get that minimum in!

Why is there now a $100 Print minimum before buying digital images?
I spend quite some time thinking your session, setting up, shooting time, culling, dowloading, proofing, editing, uploading, that it really stinks when someone takes a masterpiece and goes to Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Sams, or wherever, and ruins that image!  I rather you have prints to cherish and see the difference verses getting something you are unhappy with, because you got it for $1.99.

Charlotte, do you shoot Weddings and how much?
No, I do not shoot weddings any longer.  I am flattered that you love my work enough, but I don't have time for weddings in my schedule, and I love my babies to much!  I refer out to Angela Crowe and you can reach her at www.angelacrowephoto.com

Why don't you put all my images on Facebook?
I'm sorry, but watermarking, web re-sizing them takes forever, it takes time from me being able to even edit your session, along with others!  So be patient.  Each session will come with ONE sneak peek before order is placed, then I will put up two more from your order.  I have had trouble with image theft in the past, and even present.  That is why each image in the middle is watermarked with "do not copy do not save" and has my logo on the image.

How long till I will see my images?
Up to two weeks.

Why do you delete images after 6 months?
I shoot a lot of sessions each month, so I can't have all images on my computer, and I think if you haven't ordered within 6 month time frame, then you really want {sorry to be blunt}.  All sessions that are hitting six months on my computer can have either two options.  To purchase from, and I'll delete, or to archive them for $35 a month.  Now, if you place a large order of $350 + from your session, they will stay with me up to two years.

When will all these new changes take affect?
Immediately.  All sessions that are on my books from now on out will have it.

Are cell phones allowed at sessions?
Sure, I don't care!  Now if it gets to the point where clients aren't ordering, I will ban them, but for now on, I don't mind it one bit!  I just asked to keep it on silent!

Do you offer a payment plan?
Why yes I do!  You pay half down before your gallery expires, and we split the rest according to how you need to pay!  Once your order is paid in full, I'll place your order!  You still will receive your paid in full discount as long as you pay half down before your gallery expires!

I think those are most frequent questions, if you have any more, please ask so I can add them to an actual list in the next few weeks!

Now onto Policy affects!

A contract will be signed from now on out.  I will email it to you, and you have to get it back to me either email or mail it to my address located on my Page.  If you have a problem signing the contract, then we will not be able to book your session, and any deposit paid is Non-Refundable.

Re-list fee is now $50.00.  If you do not order from your gallery, you must pay this fee.  I will no longer accept emails stating what you want, and when you can pay.  Gallery's are two weeks, and by the end of it, is when you should place your order.  If it expires without placing your order, then you will have a $50 fee that has to be paid before I put it up.  There are NO exceptions.

No Shows/Last minute cancellations will be subject to a $50 reschedule fee.  No shows will have to repay their whole session fee, and the second time you are a no show, I will no longer book you.  You have 48 hours to cancel your session, but I do understand true emergencies, but just because you slept late, and so forth, that is unacceptable   I was in the Army for 6 years and am very big on being on time and being prompt!

6 month storing policy hasn't changed, still the same!

One Facebook sneak peek WITH signed release will be put up, after you order, I will put up two more from your purchased order!  I may post more, but right now, just one sneak peak.

Okay, I think I think I have covered everything!  Whew!  Okay, questions, comments, let me know!  


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