Saturday, February 23, 2013

Wesson {Dothan, AL Newborn} and Workshop Info

I love seeing these beautiful families come in with their new bundle of joy!!  Sweet little Wesson was only 4 days new and a champ!!  He was oh so perfect at his newborn session and had such a sweet big sister!!

Stroll on through and browse his images, and at the bottom is information on my Believe Experience Workshop!

My beautiful hats were supplied by the following vendors:

Also remember I just introduced Newborn Minis!!
The Believe Experience Workshop will be held in Dothan, AL in June 1st.  It will be an all day event.  Here is the schedule of events to take place:

8:30 arrive, you will receive handout flyers, and come prepared for questions.  We will start right then setting up for the newborn session.
9:15 Newborn will arrive.  He/She will be getting fed as we continue to set up and discuss lighting, equipment, and posing bags.
9:30 or sooner we will start shooting.
11:30 clean up from newborn.
12:00 break for lunch, lunch will be provided, it will more than likely be pizza, or subs!
12:45 set up for 3 month session
1:00 3 month is here, time to start shooting!
1:30 small bathroom/water break/clean up.
1:45 6 month session, time to start shooting!
2:15 break/clean up
2:30 9 month start shooting
3:00 break
3:15 1 year
4:00 break/clean up
4:20 discuss editing and answer any questions.
5-5:30 class will end!

As we shoot, I will go over proper posing, how to achieve certain images, lighting, and much more.  I shoot in RAW on a Nikon D7000, so if you have any camera questions, I am well known in Nikon range, but far from the tree with Canon, so I recommend bringing your manual!

I will be giving away a small posing/lighting book, it will not be anything like a real one, just some simple diagrams on how I achieved a certain image!  It will be great as a reference book!

Right now I only have room for 10 Photographers, and that is pushing it, so make sure to start now!  I just need a non-refundable $50 deposit, the rest is due the day before the class!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Kristen {Maternity} Dothan, AL Maternity Photographer

Kristen is a glowing beautiful mama!  She is expecting her second child, and is just beautiful!  Her lovely husband is really excited about having a boy!  I believe you can tell in these images :)  They were so natural and fun to work with!  Just riding around these country roads putting their style and personality into their images!  It really came to life!

You can defiantly see the love in all of these images!!  Beautiful parents!!  I hope I get to be the one to do his newborn pictures, because I know he will be absolutely handsome!

Charlotte King Photography is turning 3!!! {Dothan, AL Maternity, Newborns, Babies Photographer}

Get ready and hold onto your seats  because we are celebrating a beautiful 3 years of business!!!  It has been an amazing bumpy road, and I'm so glad where I am today!  I am very thankful for those that trusted me, and gave me a chance.  For those that loved me so much, they sent referrals.  You are my everything, and for that, get ready to celebrate some amazing deals!!!

Each week I will host a different discount as well!  This week is almost up, but it is a great deal none the less!
 Also, all expectant mothers that are due before July, please start sending in a bump shot to to enter the Pamper Me Pretty Maternity Contest!
Please send images NLT Sunday at midnight, they will be uploaded and voting will start on Monday, lasting until March 8th!  Winner will be announced March 11th!  Now, if I don't have more than 5 contestants by the entry due date, I will not have this contest, so make sure to share and spread the word!!
Monday, February 18, 2013

President's Day Sale

Today for one day only (until 6:00 PM) take 50% off of everything excluding Print packages, and books!  Can't be combined with any other discount!

Please remember that I no longer ship, you have to pick up now, and print order will be placed tomorrow morning, and should arrive NLT Friday.

Cube Decor, Storyboards, and Collections are not listed in the proof gallery, please refer to the price list for those at : and you can just email me your order to

When emailing your order, you can leave your email for a PayPal invoice, or you can pay using your debit/credit card.  I will need to following information:
Card Number
Exp. Date
CVV Code
Billing Zip Code.

You will receive your receipt via email or txt, whichever you prefer!
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tate (3 months) and Lakin (1 Year) Sneak Peeks

Lagging on the blog sneak peaks, but I am catching back up!!

So, for starters sweet Tate!  A handsome little fellow and I got several sweet smiles from him!

Tate's mother brought the crochet football set to his newborn, and I plan on photographing him in it/with it at each sitting and continue combing these :)  I love when clients bring personal things to their session!  It just ties in their personality oh so well!  And of course sweet boy is cheering "War Eagle"!  

Then we have sweet pretty pretty Lakin!  She at first did not want anything to do with getting her pictures taken!  I usually do the cake last, but in her case, it is just want she wanted lol!!  She wanted to walk soo bad, and would not stay still!  I love it when they start walking, they just can't remain still and have to be on the go go go!!  It's amazing to watch them see their world!

 I LOVE Storyboards!  Especially if you don't have much wall space, it is a great way to show off your favorite images but still keep wall space available!!

I'm going to get back into the swing of things beginning tomorrow!  I have two sessions to edit, Tristian and Grayson, and Kristin maternity!  I have a sweet 4 day old newborn coming in tomorrow afternoon, then a two week newborn coming Tuesday morning!  Glad I get to play with some newbies <3  Goodnight y'all!  Hope you enjoyed these sneak peeks :)

Tip of the Week {Equipment}

Hi ya'll!!  I am so excited about this tip of the week, one day I will learn how to make videos without uploading to Youtube, not too big on doing that just YET!  Maybe soon I will gain confidence to do so!!

So, here are questions I get ALL of the time!

Your images are so crisp and clear, what camera do you use?

What lens do you use?

What lighting set up do you have?

Where do you buy your backdrops from?

So, in summary, I shoot with a Nikon D7000, my lens of choice that doesn't come off and stays on my camera 99% of the time is a 50mm 1.8 AF-S, I have Alien Bees, one is an 800, and the other is a 400, and from Bits and Bobs A Photographers Prop Haven, and Amazon!

So, equipment, how do I set up?

Depends on what your subject and style is.  I like mine classic clean, I want them bright and crisp.  So, my #1 light source my AB800 is usually in the dead center of the subject, or to the left, while my #2 light source, my AB400 is to the right at a 90 degree angle.  I use a reflector on the left side, and I usually use just the white side, and barely use my silver side.  I have a 36x36 softbox, and a 12x36 softbox.  When I do newborns, my main light is touching my bean bag, and it wraps the light around the baby.

I use wireless triggers from Paul C Buff (who makes the Alien Bees as well).  They trigger from a very far distance, and I love them!!

I hope my diagrams help you :)

I am putting together my "Believe Workshop".  It will be in April or May, and will be a two day workshop.  It will cover my Believe Baby Plan, so maternity, newborn, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, and 1 year.  We will have hands on sessions, and you will be really tired after day one, but it will be loaded with information.  Workshop will be $200.  That is a very good price, and you don't have to come both days.

The first day will be maternity, newborn, and 3 month.  The second day will be 6 month, 9 month, and 1 year.  We will cover equipment, set up, posing, breakdown, and editing process.  You will also receive a little gift for coming, as well as a print out book of my diagrams (I promise, they will look better than this LOL)!

I plan on hiring a videographer to come in and record this for me as well!  This will be a great learning experience!!

Please comment and give me some feedback, even a simple "Thank you for the blog" would be awesome!!  Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, February 7, 2013

2500 Fan Giveaway

I know it is late, but this is when I work!  The giveaway is live now and here is how you can get started!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

It is easy as pie!  Good luck!  Will end at the end of this month!  A different winner for each category will win!  If you win a session from me, please understand that a contract must be signed, and all prizes must be redeemed (from me) before August 2013.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My February Schedule

I thought it would be great to put up a calendar each month of what is available!  That way it is really easy to decide when to book!  I will say, I do book up fast!

I only have 3 openings this month left!  Then I put up the beginning of March!  I however need to do some adjusting because I know I have newborns booked that I haven't put in my system yet, but I think this is 100% correct!

I also want to do a huge prop destash!  With the new baby on the way, I will not be doing as much, and I have a huge prop collection that I have not been able to let go, until now.  I find that I need to save up as much as I can to help pay bills while my husband and I will both be out of work for a few weeks.  I have back drops and so much more, and would prefer to sell these locally so they can pick up!  However, I do have a tight schedule, so I would paypal you and then you can pick up, I will have everything packaged up in case I am not here, you can just grab off my front porch :)

I have caught up to editing once again!  Yay!  Now I have to shut down the computer tonight because it is lagging behind where I have been using it as a work horse the past few days!  Left to edit are:
These will take no time!  I expect to have David up tomorrow, and with it being Church I will not be able to get to Tate's until Thursday!  

I will also be placing a print order tomorrow morning, so need prints, make sure to place order through your gallery tonight!  

Easter Minis are booking FAST!!  Don't forget to book yours!!  Here is the info below!

The only changes are that it will ONLY be conducted on the 16th!  

Monday, February 4, 2013

Make Way # 3

So, as many of my followers on Facebook have scene, we are expecting our 3rd child!!  Aiden and Sophia are excited!!

So, with baby # 3 on the way, Charlotte King Photography is going to have to make room!  So, lots of things going on in the King household!  We are starting to list our house and start to build with a local builder for more room!  We will literally be building not even 5 minutes from where we are located at now!!  When I know more on when we will be moving from home to home, I will need to take that week off!

Also, the baby's due date is September 30th, so I will take the first 4 weeks strictly off.  So, this is a tough spot for my baby plan kids, but we will work around you.  I had so many mini sessions planned around that time of the year, but I will no longer be doing them.  I will however continue to do the Christmas one.  I just don't know how baby #3 will be like.  Both of mine were great.  Slept through the night at 3 weeks, and Sophia did nothing but sleep and was so quite!  I will be exclusively nursing as well, so I will only do Studio sessions, and no traveling.

Right now, I need an assistant more so now than ever!!  However, I can't pay :(  I do not charge nor make enough as of now to pay an assistant, and I have to put back money for my time off.  So, I will limit my monthly sessions, right now, as of January, I did 18 sessions, I will have to drastically cut back down to under 6 starting in July, so it will come on a first serve, first come basis.  So, if you are expecting, now is the time to book!

The hotter it gets, the less on location sessions I will be able to take on, but that is the great thing about photographing babies, they don't need to be in such hot weather anyways!

Now, I was horribly sick with my other two, so I am praying for a great pregnancy this last time around!  No morning sickness please!!  I also went full term with both of mine, and I worked up until a week before my daughter was born, then I took off the next 6 weeks, so I hope to do the same with this baby!

So, bare with me on adjustments that are about to happen once again.  I know at this point you are sick of the "New Changes", but when a baby is in the picture, you have to make adjustments, and right now, I want to make more room for my family!

If you are waiting on your proofs, give me till Wednesday.  Normally there is a 1-2 week turn around anyways, but I was getting them out quite fast, and then we took the weekend off to celebrate and embrace our beautiful news!  This is the order for your wait:

I will get caught up tomorrow!  Tonight I am too tired!!  I rather be sleepy than morning sickness this time anyways hehe <3  

Also, the in home ordering, is getting tossed out the window!  Whew, as much as I would LOVE to do it, I just do not have time with being pregnant again, so, it will have more restrictions on it though, but I will save that for another day!  

Okay, so very excited about new baby, we go back for an ultrasound in two weeks, and I'll post that of course :)  Thank you ALL so very much for showing the support you have!  It means the world to me!