Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Back With Goodies!

My Imaging USA experience was AMAZING!!  I however, did not meet many people, I was there to learn, but had the best time with Wendy from WGP Photography!!  Love her!  I will brag however and say I got to personally thank, and shake Matthew Jordan Smith's hand!!  For those of you that do not know, Matthew is THE fashion/beauty photographer!  He has shot Oprah, Vanessa Williams, Tyra Banks, and so forth!  I do not shoot beauty or fashion, but it was great hearing his inspiration!  I believe it is always great to learn something new, even if it isn't exactly what you do!

So, a quick summary of how this event changed my thought on my business:

I learned, I am worth my quality.  This is not me being big headed, or selfish.  I am a Professional Photographer, not an amateur.  There is a huge difference in the two.  I started from the bottom, and worked myself up, I came from the amateur criteria.

Quick tip:  There are TWO types of amateur photographers.  The first one wants to honestly do Photography as a career and better themselves, whereas the second wants to make a "quick" buck.

One thing I learned this weekend, is if you do not step up your business plan and marketing, you will die out in a few years.  I'm going on my 3rd year of business, and I hope that this is the best year I've had, but in order to meet my requirements, things will slowly change!!  Everything is changing from my packages (they will be turned into collections), print prices will more than likely stay the same, I am adding new products, my baby plan is changing in and out with a new name!

This weekend, one of the instructors said to answer this question.  Who am I?  So, here is my answer.  I am Charlotte King, a follower, a wife, a mother, and a photographer.  I am a professional photographer, I am short and goofy.  I am kind and selfless.  I AM ONE PERSON!

One person can't do anything by herself.  One person, who already juggles four main roles in her everyday life, will have trouble answering emails, calls and just plain customer service.  So I apologize for not getting in touch with you, or it taking a few days or even weeks to get your order.  So, with saying that, this is what I purpose.  I will take on two interns this year.  I am hoping that one of the interns or maybe both will be able to become FULL time employees.  I do however, have certain qualifications to meet.  You must be 18+, if you have children, they must be school aged children, and you must be on time.  You can't call in on big events, and if you call in more than 2 in a month or two, you will be terminated.  I will be setting up interviews in February the 2nd for these.

Another step to ease your wait, is I will no longer ship anything.  All prints, CD's, fine art gallery wraps, and so forth, will be picked up at my home office.  I will soon be looking for a small office to rent in Dothan where we will do in office ordering, and pick up.  Beginning Feb. 1st, you will no longer have sneak peeks, you will have an ordering appointment set up for you to come and view your pictures and order same day.

I want to provide everyone with the utmost customer service, and those who personally know me, know I am really a great gal, just can't do it alone!

My studio will start to transform over the next few months into a Fine Art Photography business!  Help me grow, help me to better serve you.

Now, I was suppose to return to work tomorrow, but I will be out of the office, we had something personal arise that needs my full attention, so I will see you all on Friday!


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