Friday, January 4, 2013

Raw and Uncut

Beware, this is lengthy and If I receive nasty comments, you and this will be removed.

In a sense, maybe this should be personal post, but it ties in with business, so please bare with me.

These are my kids, Aiden 2 1/2, Sophia 1 1/2.  They are 12 months and 28 days apart.

Not anything spectacular, not even recent pictures of them, because I need time to take out to take their pictures.  Everything that I do, I do for them.  I work to pay for their little clothes, to help my husband out with our bills.  It is something we share.  I strive all the time to provide the best customer service that I (ONE person) can provide on my own.  I do not have an assistant, even though I would love to have one, I can't afford one.  I have offered several times to take one on, and let them mentor under me.

I shoot, edit, place on proof, take orders, place order, change diapers, cook and clean.  I am a Mom, then a Photographer.  I think things get quite blamed on others sometimes.  I can't predict the post office on when it will ship, maybe I will up my shipping price so I can afford to add a tracking confirmation on your package for now on.  I can't help, a lot ordered during the Holidays.  I have gotten back in the office today for some things to really hit me hard tonight.

This year 2013, my first goal was to put God first.  I wanted to wake up, do my bible lesson.  My second goal was to put my family second.  In 2012, I shot 109 sessions, and managed to take care of my children, and I ventured out in making props, which I couldn't continue because of everything else.  I had a relative pass away, a loss of something dear and close to me (which I do not want to talk about this, and it isn't my relative passing).  So, of course, after the shooting, I wanted to be with my kids more than the world could ever know.  My third goal was to get my health back in control.  I have baby weight to loose, and I wasn't one of those lucky mamas that lost it after 3 days of giving birth :)  I still want to know their secret how that happens LOL!  My 4th goal was to be a better Photographer, and to provide excellence service with my quality.  So far, I fill like I am failing, and it is only 4 days after the New Year.

Last 5 months, was a huge overwhelming, but wonderful experience.  I went from doing maybe 4 sessions a month, to doing that a week.  I got backed up so much, I didn't know if I would ever get caught back up.  Then I took on a task with the local newspaper, that put me way behind then where I was with my paying clients.

I finally have found a solution to this.  I did a price change, and came out with my specialty.  And please don't think that I am saying I don't want to work, because trust me, no one feels more into the zone being behind the camera as I do. I love what I do, and I love that I have this gift to capture memories.  I have seen someone get engaged, and helped the fiance` plan it, I've seen babies born, I've seen a bride and groom say their I Do's and see the sweet tears of happiness drip down their face.  I've been there for your child's first days, some for the first few years.  I've had many get crowned, or win pageants with my images!  I love seeing the love in everyone else.  That is true connection, and I connect with you!

Please, if you are waiting on prints, or a CD, be patient with me.  I am doing everything on my end that I can possibly do.  I am a one women team, and I really hope to be able to pay an assistant in a few months, because I need one super bad!  I am trying my best to get caught up from taking family time during the Holidays!

Who knew a Stay At Home Mom could be living her dream.  I never knew (almost 3 years ago), when I bought my first DSLR camera and started taking pictures of my 9 month old boy, that I would turn into a Professional Photographer.  After doing almost every gig there was, I didn't think their was a career path out there for me.  I served 6 years in the Army, and I thought that the Army was for me.
This is me back in 2009 in Echo, Iraq.  I think this was one of the most eye opening experience I have ever went through.  I was a kid, I deployed straight out of high school  I joined the Army, to better my life, and to go to college.  Never imaged that as soon as I graduated, did my job training, that I would come home to find out we would be receiving our orders very shortly.

I returned back to the states and met my wonderful husband, and we got married and had our son.  I then went to school for nursing, and man, did I HATE it!  I praise you nurses out there, can you believe, that I could tote an M16 Riffle, and wasn't scared to shoot it, but wouldn't stick someone?  Yup, nursing is not for me.

Now, cameras, I have always been fond of cameras.  I remember buying the kodac film cameras, because we couldn't afford a real one!  Those were so much fun as a kid!!  I bought my first real Point and Shoot, it was an Hp, came with the dock and all, when I deployed.  I wanted to capture every memory.  Let me take a step back, I held a Nikon in High School.  It was a DSLR, couldn't remember what the model was.  Gosh, you talk about love at first snap!  Oh man, yes, that was it!!  So, I was so excited when I bought my first DSLR, it wasn't anything fancy, just something to get me started on the right foot.  I didn't ever imagine taking pictures for others.  I started with Aiden, and soon had others asking me to take their pictures, and then I went to charging, getting licensed, and so forth, and then I had my daughter.  I took some time off, then came back harder than ever!  I guess you can say, "I hit the ground running"!

I upgraded to a better DSLR for Christmas, which I am thankful for my supportive husband.

This is our ONLY family picture I have, and it is back from maybe May?  Sad, I know.  I keep saying, "When I loose xxx amount of weight, we will do them".  Well, I'm booking with someone soon, because look, this is horrible okay LOL!  I need some better ones than what "Zoo World" took.  This is also proof, that just because you have a DSLR, you don't know what you are doing.  This was shot with a Canon DSLR.  Now, I'm not one for sun spot control myself, but it is dear to my heart this picture is :)

I guess what I am saying, is that I am a real person, just like you and the person next to you.  I have a heart,and I care so much for others, sometimes, a little too much.  As much as I wish I could snap my pictures, and everything would be done, it doesn't work like that, so please just be patient with me over the next week or two and let me get caught up and have everything at a normal work flow.  I love you all, without you, I would not be as far as I am, and I want to please everyone, but sometimes that doesn't work as planned!

I can't wait to get everything organized, I believe you and I will be pleased with my new things to come that will be gradually done over the next month or two!

Thanks for your patience, and your understanding!

Signing out for the night with love xoxoxo, Charlotte


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