I am in search of a Child Model!! I am looking for a boy and a girl (may choose two of each). Qualifications:
Must be bubbly, camera hog, smiles a lot, full of laughter, and no melt downs! Also must be between the age of 3-4 years old.
You must be willing to sign a contract, and a model release form.
I will be using them for all of my mini sessions this year. Here is a list of mini sessions:
Halloween (maybe)
You will receive the session of course, and then a $30 print credit, along with a discount off of any other purchases from your session.
Just email a picture to ckingphotography2011@gmail.com.
I will make my decision Saturday morning, so deadline for picture entry is 1/4/2013 at 6:00 PM.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask or comment! Can't wait to work with you!
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