Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Price List and New Return Date

As many of you have saw, I will not be returning to work this week as planned.  We all have a stomach virus, and it is the worst we have ever had!  I will not go into details :)  As soon as we are healed up, I will be working way more, but for right now, I'm just trying to get things done as I can do them.

For some odd reason, the website that I currently have, the hosting site has not been working.  I will have that up and running soon!

There are tabs on the blog now.  I will be adding more as I can, but you will see an "Investment" tab.  That is the 2013 price list.  I switched to a better lab, and I think you will be pleased at the prints and the shipping time.

Why is my CD so high?
You will see a HUGE increase in my CD.  Here is the reason.  I spend from your session time, to loading, culling, editing, and posting, an average of 7 hours on EACH session.  Prints come directly from a Professional Printing Lab.  When you take that CD, go to Walmart, Sams Club, Walgreens, and so forth, it ruins the quality.  So, all my hard work editing, a print lab just messed up your beautiful images!  There is a huge difference, if you are a fan of the CD, and never ordered prints through me, I recommend doing so.  You will be blown away!
I have test prints that will be hung up soon of the difference in person.

To make up for the price raise on the CD, I am now offering this:
Each print of $25.00-$50.00 will receive a web image on CD.
Each print of $50-$100 will receive a low resolution file on CD
Each print of $100-$200 will receive a high resolution file on CD.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Tonight is normally my Wednesdays Tip of The Day, and I didn't post one last week, so here it is!

Amateur photographers, invest in classes!  I want to teach SOOO bad, and everytime someone ask me to teach a workshop, and I do, I have hardly anyone to sign up.  They all seem to think the cost is way too high.

Let me educate you some.  Workshops are expensive, my highest workshop amount was $100 for 6 hours of learning.  Now, say you went to someone else, your looking at spending anywhere between $500-$2000 for a Workshop.  It isn't because I am "scamming" you.  It is because I want you to learn.  I see so many unsafe photographers out there, and it just makes me plain sick.  I like to educate those that need it.

Don't let your ego get to you and think you don't need Workshops, because we all do.  I was that way, so I know.  I use to think, "Oh no, I can learn that myself."  Truth be told, every Workshop I've participated, I have learned so much from, and I am so excited about Imaging USA, so I can learn even more!!

So, if you are shooting in auto, and don't know how to shoot in manual but you want to take better images of your kids, or eventually become a photographer, I recommend attending my Mamaratzzi Workshop.

Now, the date has changed, it is pushed back to January 12th  and only noon class.  From 1-4.  You will learn LOADS of information.  This is great for anyone who wants to use their "fancy camera" to it's full abilities

I really want to start answering your questions for Wednesdays TOTW.  So, submit them.  Either comment, email, or Facebook them!  I want to know what I can answer to my full knowledge!

I hope you have a blessed night and week, and I pray that my family wakes up tomorrow sick free!  


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